Monday 7 October 2013


Halfway! I'm halfway there!
In under two weeks, I've raised £425 - I'm over the halfway point!

Thank you so much to everybody that's donated so far!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm completely overwhelmed by people's support and generosity! No words can express.
A large amount of the money has come from the fantastic clients in the salon, who have been incredibly giving. What's been great for me has been telling the story again and again, not just for fundraising but for my own head, it's helped me get my head around what the hell it is I'm doing! The customers at the shop have not only been wonderfully loyal but also become like family. As much as I'm glad to be taking the next step in life, I'm really going to miss the wonderful ladies of Hassocks!

In the past week, I have continued to organise That Friday Feeling. I'll be postering around the area within the next week, and I have contacted local papers and magazines in search of a feature or an advertisement. I've also been emailing local businesses and companies asking for raffle prizes - and let me tell you, it's boring as hell sending email after email. However, it's all worth it! I've got a couple of prizes already (one from Choccywoccydoodah, which is fantastic!) but there's more work to do on that front..
My colleague has also handmade cards to sell, for which we take 50% of the profits each, and on Friday I had a bake sale in the salon in return for a small donation to the cause. Both of these have made a definite footprint in the funds total.

In terms of my life, well... nothing much has really happened. The thing about going away for 3 months+ is that I need money, and to have money I need to save, and to save I can't be the social beauty that I normally am. I did allow myself funds last week to have one last night out with one of my oldest and best friends before she moves away. If there's one thing I love about clubbing, it's the allowance to look glam without being judged. Now, I generally look glam on a daily basis, but some people can't be as fabulous as me, darling!

It was also my two bestest best best friends birthdays in the week - they share the same date - so drinks and laughter and VIP Skype-ing was had. I've had such fantastic support from my friends for India and it's when something like this comes along that you really can tell when you've got the right people in your life.

This week, I have to start buying kit! I figure that if I start early, there'll be no last minute rush and I'll have excess money to put into savings before I go. I've also got my travel nurse appointment on Wednesday and - oh what's that, more saving and no fun?
Oh, go on then!


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