Tuesday 14 January 2014


Just over three weeks until I board that plane to India.

Isn’t that crazy?

I’m pretty horrendous at keeping up to date with my blog. I will try to better myself, promise.
So I guess I better start with the great news. As of 10th January (the final fundraising deadline), my total for Raleigh/ICS stands at £1555! Absolutely incredible and far surpassing my £800 target. The money raised facilitates our project through the ICS programme and, because of that, we can work at the grassroots of international development to change the world. To everybody who has donated, to everybody who has given their time, their love, their support and spread the message, from myself and on behalf of our community in India, THANK YOU!
I cannot wait to get going now; I’m jabbed, I’m insured, I’m visa-ed – all I have left is to finishing collecting kit and then it’s a waiting game. I’m pretty much ready with regards to kit but there’s still a few things I have to get. Buying enough sun cream to last for three months isn’t a cheap affair.
My coach to Heathrow is booked, as is my hotel for the night before. I’m sharing with the lovely Jess who I met at my training weekend, and I’m damn sure that we’ll enjoy those last bits of luxury before we head back to basics. There’s a bar, and there’s a bowling alley next to our accommodation. I’m sold.

If you want to keep up to date with what I’m doing over there, while I’m on project site, then check out the official Raleigh ICS blog here. Also, keep yourself up to date after my placement by coming back here, where I’ll be posting up my entire India journal, as well as continuing to share travel stories from my onwards travels.

Now that brings me nicely to my next big news – my flights are booked! I’m heading back to South East Asia! At last! I’ve been craving a return visit since, well, I stepped off my flight at Heathrow in 2012. As I fly into Bangkok, I’ll be spending some time chilling out and visiting friends in Thailand before travelling through Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia and wherever else funds allow. I can’t wait to finish the trip that I feel like I started last time.

What else have I tackled in the time since I last posted on here? Christmas and new year.
My alcohol resistance level has been severely affected and I think it’s time for an India detox.
Do leave a comment or two and give me your thoughts. I like to read thoughts. Psychic, you see.
Happy 2014!

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